Friday, April 29, 2011

The Force A Poem

Obi Wan Kenobi

The Orion Nebula

In time premeival and in the Now+++++Both far away++++And near at hand++++We channel the Force++++and started the Jedi Band++++To channel the Force you must Jedi Rock++++If you knew Rock n Roll++++You might find the Jedi Rule+++++The Force is Being+++++And the Force is Dao++++Light Gray and Dark Gray+++++Let Evil bow++++++The Force Manifests++++The Force is Unmoved Mover+++++The Force is Good using Gray Magic and Metaphysics more++++Shifting reality forever more+++++If you channel the Force++++Please beware+++++You must deal with the Quantum dare+++++Metachorides are Quantum Particles+++++In your cells+++++Which manifest Jedi Quantum Druid Tales+++++And, if your are in the Force++++You will find the Force of Logic and Druid Mind++++And soon find the Spell that that for you Binds++++The Jedi path is narrow, but may seem wide, be careful that you do not find a terrible ride+++++And, if you are Jedi, you must find the Right Intent, and if you don't you may find your mind is bent++++++If you choose the Jedi Path, a Jedi Adept you must be, not Jedi Knight nor Sith indeed+++++The Jedi Path is Wisdom, Reason, and Logic, there is the Force and not evil project++++++As a Jedi you find, the Universal White Magic is Logic Mind++++++So, from here and now, and from near and far, be a Jedi and touch the Orion Nebula Star from afar+++++

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