Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Thought Police A Poem

Once upon a time====When time was fluid====The Thought Beings came====With a Spell Druid=====For once again===Much to our surprise====the Fascists came====As miseries bride====The Thought Police are here====The Thought Police are there=====And their mission is to scare=====They want to see====if you will show=====fascist tendencies=====without being slow=====If you ignore natural rights====and laugh at Freedom====You may find that====you are beaten=====If you do not choose Freedom's Ring====you may find a sword's sting=====And, if you ignore Academic Freedom====you may find that your soul is in a very hot place=====tortured in Hell without a trace====thus, if you are a fascist scholar====you may taste a poison dollar====and if you say that logic is stale=====you may find your hand is pierced by nail====and if you say that reason is gone====you may find a Narnia faun====And if you find the White Witch in your world====you may find that your toes are curled====thus, here and there, and far away, if you stray from logic's path, and stay in your room, the binding spell of logic will be your doom....