Monday, January 24, 2011

Anthony Fejfar Poem Americae


A Poem

Once upon a Time
In American time
King and Emperor
Anthony Pendragon
Sang a Rhyme

And Americae
Came into being
North, South, and Central
Druid Game

With Houses of Olde

In Rocky Mountains
And Atlantic Shore
Druid Magic
Has bought the Store

Pacific Ocean
Western Shore
Yanqui Wisdom
Druid Lore

Moslem's bane
Mohammed's dearth
Yaqui Sorcery
Indian's Birth

Northern Yaqui
Wisdom Magic
Yanqui Indians
Never Tragic

When Moslems' come
They will find
The Black Death
Wisdom's Rhyme

Druid Catholic's
Stuart True
The Gospel of Saint Jude
Nativity New

Druid Protestants
Transcendentalists More
Intuitive Feeling
Forever More

Subtle Magic
Christian and Druid
House of Pendragon
Merlin's School

Subtle Graey Magick
Quantum Ryhme
Wisdom's Time

Thomas the Apostle
Doubting True
Critical Thinking
Philosophy's Due

Wisdom Theology
God of Reason
Scholar's Season

America Fades
Amerika is Destroyed
Communists die
Americae's Ploy

Native Nebraskans
Dakotans Too
Yanqui Territory
Wisdom's Brew

The End of Time
Is Beginning Too
The New World
Liberty's Due

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