Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Thought Police A Poem

Once upon a time====When time was fluid====The Thought Beings came====With a Spell Druid=====For once again===Much to our surprise====the Fascists came====As miseries bride====The Thought Police are here====The Thought Police are there=====And their mission is to scare=====They want to see====if you will show=====fascist tendencies=====without being slow=====If you ignore natural rights====and laugh at Freedom====You may find that====you are beaten=====If you do not choose Freedom's Ring====you may find a sword's sting=====And, if you ignore Academic Freedom====you may find that your soul is in a very hot place=====tortured in Hell without a trace====thus, if you are a fascist scholar====you may taste a poison dollar====and if you say that logic is stale=====you may find your hand is pierced by nail====and if you say that reason is gone====you may find a Narnia faun====And if you find the White Witch in your world====you may find that your toes are curled====thus, here and there, and far away, if you stray from logic's path, and stay in your room, the binding spell of logic will be your doom....

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fejfar Literary Article Blog: The Force A Poem

Fejfar Literary Article Blog: The Force A Poem: "Obi Wan Kenobi The Orion Nebula In time premeival and in the Now+++++Both far away++++And near at hand++++We channel the Force++++and..."

The Force A Poem

Obi Wan Kenobi

The Orion Nebula

In time premeival and in the Now+++++Both far away++++And near at hand++++We channel the Force++++and started the Jedi Band++++To channel the Force you must Jedi Rock++++If you knew Rock n Roll++++You might find the Jedi Rule+++++The Force is Being+++++And the Force is Dao++++Light Gray and Dark Gray+++++Let Evil bow++++++The Force Manifests++++The Force is Unmoved Mover+++++The Force is Good using Gray Magic and Metaphysics more++++Shifting reality forever more+++++If you channel the Force++++Please beware+++++You must deal with the Quantum dare+++++Metachorides are Quantum Particles+++++In your cells+++++Which manifest Jedi Quantum Druid Tales+++++And, if your are in the Force++++You will find the Force of Logic and Druid Mind++++And soon find the Spell that that for you Binds++++The Jedi path is narrow, but may seem wide, be careful that you do not find a terrible ride+++++And, if you are Jedi, you must find the Right Intent, and if you don't you may find your mind is bent++++++If you choose the Jedi Path, a Jedi Adept you must be, not Jedi Knight nor Sith indeed+++++The Jedi Path is Wisdom, Reason, and Logic, there is the Force and not evil project++++++As a Jedi you find, the Universal White Magic is Logic Mind++++++So, from here and now, and from near and far, be a Jedi and touch the Orion Nebula Star from afar+++++

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ode to Ireland

An Ode to Ireland A Poem **************************************************************************************** Once Upon a Time In Andeluvian Time, The Archangel Ariel Spun a Ryhme, And soon we found Both here and there Was Ireland Fair, The Men were Strong The Women Fair And with Saint Anthony Fejfar Without a Dare, The Royal and Imperial House of Ireland came to Bear, As the House of Ariel, And with Saint Anthony Ariel Fejfar as Lord High King of Ireland With Druid, Wojt, Gaelic, and Celt Lineage Strong It was his duty to attempt to Right every Wrong And when his cousin Jesus Christ came to Dublin for a Pint and a Dance, The House of Ariel gave Jesus, France, And helped Jesus to find a Beautiful Irish Maid, as Mistress with Romance Laid, And of course Jesus confirmed that the House of Ariel Is also the House of Seth, the House of Pengragon, and Caesar too, With the Help of Saint Thomas Judeas the Apostle and Gold and Frankensense, and Irish Brew, And then Saint Anthony Fejfar, Megalith True, Played his Horn on Morning Dew, And soon everyone found he was High King of Ireland in Perpetuity, Multidimensionally, and Now, without Beginning and without End, Forever More, And very soon the Ancient Door Where entry is found, And Happiness Abounds, Became the Door with Wisdom more, And thus, with the right Intent You might find Wisdom's Ryhme And Druid Christian Lore

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The immortal Tony Fejfar, A Poem

The immortal Tony Fejfar A Poem ********************************************************************************** Tony Fejfar is immortal true, Following the good with me and you. Tony Fejfar is immortal now, yesterday, tomarrow, and yonder yore. Tony Fejfar is aieon true, without beginning and without end, now and again. If time is now and forever more, you will see Tony Fejfar more and more. Tony Fejfar is Father Time, with Quantum Rythym and Quantum Rhyme. Tony Fejfar is without beggining and without end, and thus is immortal now and in the future and past, forever in the now, heaven's send.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Anthony J. Fejfar Book Review of "Orality and Literacy" by Walter Ong

In his book "Orality and Literacy," Walter Ong has presented an interesting account of human consciousness as it relates to lingusitics ether oral or written. Ong points out that in oral cultures, such as that of the ancient greeks or hebrews, information was passed primarily by story tellers in an auditory mode. In an oral culture, the "Word" is dyanamic, and resounds throughout the universe. Thus, when the ancient Greek philosopher Hericlitus wrote about the Logos, or "Word," he was really writing about the dynamic, resounding, oral Word, or active Word, which is Reason, or Logic. Thus, the Logos of Hericlitus or the Prologue of the Gospel of John, is really Logic or Reason, not a static word at all. Unfortunately, in a dominantly visualist culture, such as the enlightenment, the Word began to be seen as a static, printed, word, which of course, it is not. Thus, the visualist, enlightenment, rationalist mode, to the extent that it existed, was soon deconstructed by the more traditional, reason based mode, of secondary orality. Secondary orality, then, the reason based upon love, logic, and intuition, which involves an integration of the simple orality, the secondary visual, and the tertiary reason. (See, Lonergan : Simple orality (experience), Secondary visualism (analytic understanding), and Reason, (love, logic, and intuition producing Intuitive Judgment and Reflection). Thus, the false dichotomy that Fred Gedicks makes between religious orality and enlightenment, rationalist visualism, is now revealed as just that, and reason once again holds swan in ascendancy. And, since we can easily prove the efficacy of reason through the use of cognitive psychology, the idea that reason is just some sort of fluffy idea is rendered false.

(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 CE, by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA).