Friday, October 22, 2010

Fejfar Review of the Book "Flow"

The book, "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" (1990) by the author, Csikszentmihalyi is about the experience of spiritual satisfaction. Flow confirms Maslow's book, "Psychology of Being," where Maslow discusses the phenomenon of Self Actualization Experiences. Consistent with Flow, Maslow tells us that Self Actualization Experiences flow from the spiritual satisfaction found in working on, and completing, a self chosen, meaningful project. This follows Sartre's notion that an Existentialist Person, should choose his or her own project and then find meaning and satisfaction in workng on it. My only criticism is to suggest that Self Transcendence (Maslow and Lonergan) should be involved with a Flow Project. It is apparent that there are Higher Values, Ordinary Values, and then Base Values. If a Flow Project involves Higher Value or Ordinary Values, then that is a good project. However, it the Flow Project involves Base Values such as rape, murder, child abuse, etc., then the project chosen is not a good project, and does not really involve spiritual satisfaciton, or Flow.

(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar

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